Senior Play..........""
Class Colors.........Red and
Class Flower.........Red Rose
Class Motto........."United We Stand"
Junior-Senior Prom........."The Gypsy"
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1947 EHS Track Team 1946-47 EHS Football TeamConsuella Albright
Jeannette Altiere
Naomi V. Anderson
Robert Auvil
Walter Ayres
Elizabeth M. Baker
Marguerite T. Ball
Maxine Ball
Peggy Jo Barker
Mary Margaret Barlow
Vernon Jack Basil
Pauline Beer
Bessie Leah Bell
Esteline Bender
Betty Jeanne Bennett
Geraldine Binns
Alan G. Bolton
Naomi J. Bonnell
Patricia Anne Boxell
James E. Brake
David Dann Brown
Joesph D. Bryant
Robert P. Burke
Dorothy Jean Canfield
John D. Campbell
Barbara Jean Carr
Betty Lee Carr
Donald Lee Carroll
Erma Chenoweth
Okey Chenoweth, Jr.
James Brady Clark
Audrene Mae Coberly
Glenna Coberly
Herbert M. Coberly
Marilyn Ruth Coberly
Richard N. Crickard
Numer Ray Currence
Kathleen A. Cutlip
John T. Davis
Leona Pearl Dodd
Patrick Dugan
Jane Dumire
Loran Paul Eckard
Ernest J. Elza
Dorothy J. Erickson
Robert L. Erzinger
Mary Ellen Evans
Christine Fisher
James C. Forman
Nina Mae Fuhrman
Arthur M. Gainer
Bonnie Lou Gatewood
Muriel W. Gaujot
Wanda Lee Gear
Elizabeth L. George
Donald Lee Gilbert
Martha Elaine Godwin
Philip J. Graziani
Doyle Griffith
Doralee Grimm
Betty Lou Groves
Maxine Gum
Paul H. Gum
Anita Lois Hamman
William Hale Harper
Elizabeth L. Harris
Robert Harshbarger
Anna Pearl Hart
Durwood C. Hart
Bill Hewitt
Victor D. Hewitt
Joan Hinchman
Kathleen Hornbeck
Irene Belle Hornick
Barbara Jane Horr
Frank A. Ikirt
Carol Eileen Irvine
Jessie Isch
Rudolph Isch
Omer M. Isner
Wilford Isner
Jacquelene James
Vada Johnson
Edward P. Jones
Harry R. Jones
Willard James Judy
James W. Jordan
Ruth Marie Kerns
James N. Kerr
Colleen A. Ketterman
Jo Ann Ketterman
Edgar Lee Kimble
Neil Kissinger
Harold Ray Kittle
Richard Kopfle
Arnold L. Kyle
Natalie Lantz
Martha Y. Lewis
Julia Anne Lytle
Katherine Marchant
Mary Marchant
Cecilia Martin
Darwin Martin, Jr.
Robert L. McCauley
William E. McEldowney, Jr.
Barbara Leigh Moats
Harry A. Moore
John Allen Moore
Nancy Ellen Moore
Nora Edna Morrison
Willa Jean Moyer
Jack L. Mullennex
Charlene Murphy
Howard D. Murphy
Mildred Myers
John Howard Neale
Edna Mae Nelson
Ernest G. Nestor
Leon D. Nine
Antionette Nucilli
Carl Nucilli
WIlliam C. Orris
Gail Ruth Ours
Harriet V. Parks
Lawrence R. Percheon
Edward Q. Perry
Virginia Pezzulli
Arthur G. Phillips
Garrison Phillips
Maxine Phillips
Richard L. Plant
Richard B. Poling
Betty Joan Post
Faye Louise Pyles
Kitty Lue Rhodes
Donald Lee Rice
William H. Rice
Margaret B. Riffle
Jeanne Riggleman-Ice
Joseph Patrick Riley
Mary Margaret Rine
Betty J. Roach
Thomas G. Roby
Dennis Rosier
Ralph L. Rosier
Zetta Rossey
Eleanor Roy
Robert C. Russell
Sherwood Sanders
Gerald Sanders
Rosie Marie Scarfo
Dolores Jean Scott
Nancy Nadine Scott
James Semones
Goldie Shaffer
John C. Shaffer
Robert Shaw
George C. Sheets
Earl Shepherd
Gene Simmons
Harley T. Six
Donald Ray Skinner
William T. Sleeman
Kathryn Louise Smith
Richard Smith
Winifred Jean Smith
Obed James Snelson
Martin M. Spanitz
Kenneth S. Stewart
Florence Summerfield
Angela Tarantelli
James Blair Taylor
Mary Ella Taylor
Cuyler Marion Teter
Jane Perry Teter
Ralston Teter
Pauline E. Tibbetts
Kenneth N. Tingler
Carl B. Tinney
Joan Elaine Vanscoy
Richard B. Waldon
Kenneth Neil Wamsley
Maxine Ware
Glen M. Waybright
Robert L. Waybright
Stanley G. Waybright
Keith Conrad Weese
James Weese, Jr.
Virginia V. Welch
Betty Lou White
Elsie V. White
Marjorie Lee White
Ralph Dale White
Freida E. Wilkerson
Delbert Ray Wilmoth
Margaret J. Wilmoth
Rosalie Wilmoth
William L. Wimer
Brooks V. Withers
Marjorie Wooddell
Paul H. Wooddell
William A. Workman
William T. Yeager
Thelma Yokum
Cyril E. Yost
James Lee Young
Mary Ann Zambelli
Charlotte Zoeffel
© Elkins High School